ECU Silver Mining Inc.
President: Stephen Altmann
Major discoveries of gold and silver at the Company’s Velardeña Properties have rewarded the team of mining professionals who have worked for more than a decade, determinedly developing and exploring the region.
ECU Silver has translated its exploration success into a significant mineral inventory consisting of over 46 mineral rich veins with a measured and indicated mineral resource of 40 million silver equivalent ounces and an inferred resource of 391 million silver equivalent ounces. Many of the veins and vein packages at the Velardeña Properties have demonstrated reliable evidence of continuity, laterally and at depth. This additional potential is represented by a Mineral Potential that has been quantified at an additional 570 to 930 million silver equivalent ounces.
ECU Silver also owns two operating mills with a combined capacity of 820 tonnes per day (tpd). A 320 tpd flotation mill (the Sulphide Mill) treats mineralized sulphide material to generate a lead/silver concentrate, a zinc concentrate, and a pyrite/gold concentrate. A 500 tpd cyanide leach mill (the Oxide Mill) treats mineralized oxide material to generate silver/gold doré bars.
ECU Silver is well on track to becoming a pre-eminent silver and gold producer through the development of existing and additional potential resources in the Velardeña district.