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Trading Ideas

How This Ancient Philosophy Can Help Your Investing

Although Stoicism dates back to 300 B.C., it still resonates with many world leaders and prominent entrepreneurs.
Today, Nicholas Vardy explains how it can influence your investment strategies as well.

When most investors hear the word “philosophy,” their eyes glaze over.
After all, it likely reminds them of a boring professor lecturing them about the obscure ideology of a long-dead thinker.
But philosophy isn’t just about asking how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
It’s also about what men and women of action used to address their challenges – and achieve their greatest triumphs.
And there is no more practical philosophy than …read more […]

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Business News

Argentine peso gets knocked lower, country risk soars as government eyes debt ‘reprofiling’

Argentina’s peso slumped on Thursday and its country risk soared to levels not seen since 2005 after the government announced plans to “reprofile” about $100 billion of its debt, leaving investors scrambling to assess what kind of hit they might face.

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Business News

Argentine peso gets knocked lower, country risk soars as govt eyes debt ‘reprofiling’

Argentina’s peso slumped 3% on Thursday and country risk soared to levels not seen since 2005 after the government announced plans to “reprofile” about $100 billion of its debt, leaving investors scrambling to assess what kind of hit they might face.

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