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General Electric Shares Rise Despite “Cooked Books” Accusation

There wasn’t enough time for me to do a full fundamental analysis on General Electric (NYSE: GE) yesterday. Regardless, I shared my thoughts on recent happenings with the company, and War Room members came out ahead.
Here’s the backstory…
An analyst came out with a report Thursday that GE was cooking its books.
This was no ordinary analyst…
It was Harry Markopolos, the same one who called out Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme. His opinion is definitely worth some weight. And that weight knocked GE shares down for a loop.
Just the day before, the CEO of GE bought millions of dollars’ worth of stock in …read more […]

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Trading Ideas

GE’s Alleged Fraud: Another Reason to Invest in Startups

General Electric shares dropped 11% yesterday to $7.80 after famed fraud investigator Harry Markopolos released a report calling GE a “bigger fraud than Enron.” You may remember Mr. Markopolos as the man who tried to alert the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to Bernie Madoff’s billion-dollar ponzi scheme a decade before it collapsed.
To be fair, it’s worth noting that Markopolos is working with an unnamed hedge fund that has shorted GE stock and stands to make money if GE shares drop. So Markopolos is not exactly an unbiased witness. Despite this, I’m inclined to listen to what the man has …read more […]