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Two Questions to Ask at a Marijuana Dispensary

In the U.S., cannabis was a patent medicine during the 19th and early 20th centuries. It was first described in the United States Pharmacopeia in 1850.
It’s a plant older than humanity. Unfortunately, it got caught up in some bad publicity.
It was demonized in the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. By 1942, cannabis was struck from the Pharmacopeia. And penalties for possessing marijuana increased in 1951, 1956 and 1970 with the Controlled Substances Act.
But the end of nearly a century of prohibition is winding down. Cannabis has found a new lease on life today.
I’m pleased to share with you the second …read more […]

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Trading Ideas

The Best Stock Market Signal in 61 Years?

The Dow dropped more than 800 points yesterday, but it’s not time to panic.
Today, Alexander Green explains the factors affecting bond and stock yields and how investors should react to this major buying signal.

The Dow swooned over 800 points Wednesday in reaction to the “inverted yield curve.”
That means, of course, that interest rates on short-term bonds are now higher than those on longer-term bonds.
The yield curve has inverted before every recession since 1955.
Does this mean a recession – or a serious bear market – is now on our doorstep, especially given the recent trade tensions with China?
It does not.
For starters, …read more […]