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The Truth About This Inverted Yield Curve

The Fed has pitched us a tough one…
The news is abuzz with talk of the inverted yield curve. Many investors are wondering: What is it? What does it mean for me? And could it be misleading this time?
Understanding the Yield Curve
First, let’s talk about the yield curve. When the yield curve is behaving normally, you’ll earn more on long-term government bonds than on short-term ones.
So if you were to buy a 10-year government bond, it would pay you a higher rate of interest than a bond that matured in two years.
This makes sense. After all, you should get paid more …read more […]

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Top 4 Natural Gas Stocks to Watch

Natural gas stocks have a bright future. Global energy demand is growing at a steady clip. One reason is because population is rapidly increasing. By 2040 the world population is expected to reach 9.2 billion. Plus, large parts of the world are quickly modernizing due to economic growth. By 2040 the global GDP is expected to double from what it was in 2014. That means more people consuming more energy.
By 2040 global energy demand will increase by 25%. And natural gas is positioned to provide more of that energy than ever before. Check out these statistics:

By 2040 the natural gas …read more […]