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Colorado’s Legal Cannabis Market Grows Stronger

Colorado sold nearly twice as much recreational marijuana as it did medical cannabis last year. Data from the Colorado Department of Revenue shows that in 2017, the state sold 172,994 pounds of medical cannabis flower and 238,149 pounds of recreational flower. In 2018, it sold 147,863 pounds of medical and 288,292 pounds of recreational. Since 2014, when the state’s first retail stores opened, the number of pounds of recreational cannabis sold to consumers has increased by 646%.
The gap between medical and recreational sales isn’t surprising. Because marijuana is still illegal at the federal level, there has been very little research …read more […]

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Colorado’s Legal Cannabis Market Grows Stronger

Colorado sold nearly twice as much recreational marijuana as it did medical cannabis last year. Data from the Colorado Department of Revenue shows that in 2017, the state sold 172,994 pounds of medical cannabis flower and 238,149 pounds of recreational flower. In 2018, it sold 147,863 pounds of medical and 288,292 pounds of recreational. Since 2014, when the state’s first retail stores opened, the number of pounds of recreational cannabis sold to consumers has increased by 646%.
The gap between medical and recreational sales isn’t surprising. Because marijuana is still illegal at the federal level, there has been very little research …read more […]

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Scott Gottlieb Questions CBD Legality, Calls for Regulation

On Friday, I was doing my morning run on the treadmill as I flipped through premarket financial news.
And I watched the former head of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Dr. Scott Gottlieb, on CNBC’s Squawk Box.
At times, the interview had me irritated. At other points, I was nodding my head.
In my view, his comments really painted the problem American cannabis and CBD companies are faced with. And a lot of it comes down to lack of clarity.
Gottlieb stated that “all the CBD being put into food and dietary supplements is illegal.”
When those words left his mouth, I cringed at …read more […]

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How to Eat Better, Live Longer… and Get Richer

If you’re trying to eat better, you won’t focus on the grocery store, but rather the choices you make there.
Today, Alexander Green explains why the same is true for investors: The key to health (and wealth) isn’t where you shop, but what you buy.

Tell people you are an investment analyst, and you’re bound to hear the same question over and over: “So what do you think about this market?”
“I try not to,” I often reply.
I’m not being flip. Most investors spend far too much time obsessing over the market.
Is it overvalued? Is it undervalued? Will the bull market continue? When …read more […]