Moleculin Biotech Doubles In Pre-Market Trading On Potential Covid-19 Treatment

Moleculin Biotech (MBRX) today announced that 2-deoxy-D-glucose (“2-DG”) reduced the virus that causes COVID-19 by 100% in in vitro testing, according to independent research. On the news shares surged 155% in pre-market trading from $0.56 to $0.85.Researchers at the University of Frankfurt disclosed the findings in their article submitted to NatureResearch on March 11, 2020. The authors of the research reported that inhibiting glycolysis with non-toxic concentrations of 2-DG completely prevented SARS-CoV–2 replication in Caco–2 cells.Moleculin’s drug candidate, WP1122, is referred to as a “prodrug” of 2-DG as chemical elements are added to 2-DG to improve its delivery in vivo.“This …read more

Source:: Yahoo Finance

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