'Sold!' Auctioneers race to unload oil equipment as U.S. drilling dries up

Fast-talking auctioneer Greg Highsmith sung out dozens of prices – “seventy-five-hundred now, $10,000 now, be able to get 15,000?” – before a North Dakotan buyer paid $27,500 for a used Caterpillar oil swabbing rig on Friday. The rig was one of more than 2,000 lots offered in an online auction of oil, gas and industrial equipment out of North Dakota’s Bakken shale region on Friday. The auction market is more active than at any point since the downturn of the 1980s, said Dan Kruse, a San Antonio-based auctioneer and founder of Superior Energy Auctions, which specializes in energy …read more

Source:: Yahoo Finance

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