Canoo IPO: EV Startup Going Public Via SPAC Hennessy Capital

By Amber Deter A Canoo IPO is coming to the market. On Tuesday morning, the company put out a press release announcing a merger with SPAC Hennessy Capital Acquisition Corp IV. This means Canoo stock will be available to investors.
But is Canoo a good investment? Here’s what we know…
Canoo IPO: The Business

Stefan Krause and Urich Kranz founded Canoo in 2017 as Evelozcity. The company rebranded to Canoo in 2019 after the debut of its first vehicle in September 2018. Canoo is an electric vehicle (EV) company based in Los Angeles. Although Krause was originally CEO, he left the company in August 2019. Kraz, …read more



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