5 Green Energy Penny Stocks to Watch in 2021

By Aimee Bohn Renewable energy is gaining momentum as the world turns away from fossil fuels. The move toward clean energy has the potential to make investors a lot of money.

Investing in renewable energy looks promising as the new administration takes steps to go green. Below you’ll find a list of renewable energy penny stocks that have potential in the market. Let’s take a closer look…
5 Green Energy Penny Stocks to Consider

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Tantech Holdings (Nasdaq: TANH)
SunHydrogen (OTC: HYSR)
Ocean Power Technologies (Nasdaq: OPTT)
NexGen Energy (NYSE: NXE)
Torchlight Energy Resources (Nasdaq: TRCH)

Below, you’ll find a breakdown of each company. And if you’re looking for more energy investing …read more
