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How the Digital Yuan Could Impact China and the World Economy

It appears cash has been dethroned as king in China. The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) has official begun to roll out its digital yuan. This makes it the first major economy in the world to introduce a digital currency. Though, after India implements its crypto ban, China may not be the only one for long.

The move unlocks a new realm of possibilities for Chinese citizens. However, it also introduces a whole new level of surveillance and control… Something the Chinese government found conspicuously lacking in the likes of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
China’s new digital yuan lives in cyberspace… Not …read more […]

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Trading Ideas

Top 3 Uranium Stocks to Buy in 2021

Uranium and nuclear energy have a bad rep. But is that justified? As we move further into renewable energy, tables are turning. More nuclear projects are coming online and it’s a perfect setup for the best uranium stocks.
The companies below focus on mining and processing uranium. So, as demand climbs, these stocks should do well…

Cameco (NYSE: CCJ)
Uranium Energy Corp. (NYSE: UEC)
Ur-Energy (NYSE: URG)

Before we dive into these investing opportunities, let’s look at key industry trends. The market is slowly moving away from fossil fuels and nuclear is a top contender…

Is Uranium and Nuclear Energy Safe Going Forward?
To see where we’re …read more […]