Month: April 2021

What is a Small Cap ETF?
For investors who love the appeal of small cap stocks but could do without the risk associated with them, a small cap ETF is a great investment vehicle. ETFs are a great hedge against the volatility of any one company, which is perfect for mitigating the ups and downs of burgeoning companies. But is a pure small cap ETF enough to mitigate the risks of investing in these companies?
Investors need a keen understanding of both ETFs and small cap stocks before investing in a product that combines their risks and rewards. While it’s certainly a hedge against volatility, an …read more […]

Year-Over-Year (YOY)
In finance, year-over-year (YOY) performance looks at two different events on an annual basis. For example, you can look at how a single stock performed in the third quarter of 2019 and 2020. By comparing these two figures, you can see whether the stock performed better this year than it did last year.
There are many reasons why this kind of analysis is important. When you look at unemployment figures and retail sales, you have to consider the time of year. Retail sales typically perform better around the holidays. Likewise, unemployment tends to go up and down on a seasonal basis. …read more […]