Month: June 2021

What is an Adjusted Closing Price?
When calculating the return on investment of a security, you’ll review the appreciation of that stock over a certain period. As you do, you’ll need to know whether you’re looking at closing prices or adjusted closing prices. What is an adjusted closing price? It’s one that accounts for any corporate action that might’ve affected share price outside of market sentiment. Looking at closing prices vs. adjusted closing prices can significantly change the measure of your ROI!
Here’s what you need to know about adjusted closing price, what it includes, and how it impacts your ROI calculations. Keep in mind that not …read more […]

Why Is Crypto Crashing? Don’t Worry About It
We field a lot of questions from new investors. And the one that’s been coming in the most lately is: Why is crypto crashing? It’s a topic we’ve touched on before. No doubt we’ll be addressing it again in the future at some point. But for now, let’s look at the bevy of bad news that has sent the crypto markets in a downward spiral… And why you shouldn’t worry about it.
When Bitcoin hit a record high of more than $63,000 back in April, everyone wanted a piece of the action. Even folks that got burned in the 2018 Bitcoin …read more […]