Month: July 2021

Top 4 Up-and-Coming Stocks to Watch
Over the past few months, Trade of the Day’s Head Trade Tactician, Bryan Bottarelli has identified numerous up-and-coming stocks to watch. As many economies are still in recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, there are quite a few sectors that have yet to bounce back.
A few of these stocks fall under this designation. Bryan calls them “slingshot” stocks. These are companies that will not only retest their pre-COVID-19 highs, but also slingshot ABOVE those levels in the weeks and months ahead. And the last stock on our list is a sweet nostalgia pick that is flying under Wall Street’s radar.
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What is an Alternative Investment?
There are three core types of investment vehicles: stocks, bonds and cash. In principle, it comes down to investments in equities, debt securities, or currency. But these aren’t the only investment options out there.
What is an alternative investment? As the name implies, it’s a type of investment that ranges outside the typical stock, bond or currency play. They can range from common to exotic, and your investment in them largely depends on how you want to diversify your core portfolio. Alternative investments are more attainable than you might realize, and they’re becoming more and more popular with investors as …read more […]

The ARK Bitcoin ETF Is One Step Closer to Existing
A prospectus for the ARK Bitcoin ETF has officially been filed. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission received the filing June 28. However, there’s a good chance we’re still a ways off from seeing it on a major exchange.
As of right now, this is at least the 11th Bitcoin ETF filing the SEC has received since December. Whether or not it will manage to jump to the front of the line is anybody’s guess. But we do know a fair amount about the proposed ARK Bitcoin ETF from what we can glean from the filing.
First and foremost, ARK Investment Management …read more […]