Premium Exploration
Wilf Struck, CEO
Premium Exploration is a mineral exploration company that explores and develops precious metals properties. The Company’s portfolio holds four projects in various stages of development from advanced exploration to pre-production projects in Montana and Idaho, the United States and Jalisco, Mexico. Premium’s Chrome Mountain Property in Montana, is a 970 hectare, platinum group metal (PGM) and gold target. Premium’s Idaho Gold Properties (Buffalo Gulch and Friday-Petsite) reside along a 28 kilometer strike known as the Orogrande Shear Zone. The Chrome Mountain and Idaho Gold Properties (Buffalo Gulch and Friday/Petsite) are the primary exploration properties held by the Company. Its wholly owned subsidiaries include Premium Exploration U.S.A., Inc. and Compania Minera Zorro de Plata, S.A. de C.V.