Articles by admin
What is a Limited Liability Company (LLC)?
When they incorporate, many businesses form as Limited Liability Companies (LLCs). An LLC is a corporate structure that’s a separate entity from the person(s) forming it. It also requires the owners to report the company’s profits and losses on their personal income tax returns. However, the owners cannot be personally held liable for the company’s losses or debts. As the name suggests, it’s a way to limit the liability founders may face in the event of bankruptcy or other hardship for the company.
LLCs serve a number of purposes; however, they’re always used as a way to legally protect the …read more […]
AQN Stock Forecast – Investing in a Sustainable Future For Everyone
AQN stock is one of the few opportunities to offer high growth potential and a rewarding dividend to investors. Investing often comes down to choosing between more risky, higher growth assets or less risk and more predictable cash flows. AQN has the ability to change that, offering an attractive dividend and an expanding portfolio of in-demand products.
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corporation (NYSE: AQN) is a Canadian-based utility provider. The company is expanding its renewable portfolio by purchasing and utilizing clean energy investments in wind, solar, and hydroelectricity sources.
The utility & renewable energy company is certainly an attractive growth stock. But …read more […]
Cosmos Crypto: Why a Bullish Sentiment Is Still Warranted
Much of the crypto markets have been in a retreat pattern. But meanwhile, Cosmos crypto (ATOM), has been on an absolute tear. And a big shout out to any long-term holders. Early adopters have rung up a massive 890% winner here if they got in back in 2019. Heck, it’s up more than 500% so far just in 2021. Color us jealous. However, before you feed your FOMO and decide to jump in, there are some important factors to weigh. Then you can decide if this altcoin is heading “to the moon.”
When Cosmos crypto first launched, skepticism abounded. And justifiably …read more […]
8 Best Media Stocks to Buy
The word “media” is defined as “the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing and the internet) regarded collectively.” Since the way that people communicate and consume information is always shifting, this means that what can be defined as a media stock is constantly shifting as well.
With that being said, I’ve come up with a list of eight media stocks and social media stocks that may be worth adding to your portfolio.
Let’s take a quick look at the best media stocks to buy…
Best Media Stocks to Buy
NOTE: I’m not a financial advisor and am just offering my own research and …read more […]