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Refining margins dent Exxon, Chevron first-quarter results

HOUSTON (Reuters) – Weak refining margins dinged first-quarter results for Exxon Mobil Corp and Chevron Corp , though Chevron’s oil production gains outshone its larger rival, which has struggled to turn operations around after recent missteps. Refining and chemical operations hurt two of the world’s largest integrated energy companies for the second consecutive quarter, highlighting concerns about the impact of volatile oil prices on their businesses.

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From Volkswagen to Bunge, concession holders in Brazil face hefty bill

BRASILIA (Reuters) – Companies from Brazilian state oil company Petróleo Brasileiro SA to commodities giant Louis Dreyfus Company and German car giant Volkswagen AG could face hefty bills after Brazil’s Supreme Court this month allowed local governments to charge property taxes to operators of public concessions.

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